5 innovative solutions for reducing water waste


Embracing new tech and the latest industry updates can help you save significantly on your water costs

Today’s organisations, regardless of size or industry, are finding themselves under pressure to cut down on waste and put sustainability into practice, and water usage has an often-overlooked part to play in this movement.

Researching and investing in innovative solutions can help your business reduce spending and improve your water efficiency, which helps you stand out as a sustainability champion in your field. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most innovative water efficiency solutions available to UK businesses.

Smart meters and monitoring

According to Vodafone, businesses that implement smart metering can see a reduction of up to 30% in their water usage within the first year alone. Smart metering and monitoring provide your business with detailed insights in your water usage patterns, allowing you to identify inefficiencies, leaks, and areas for improvement.

It works by tracking your water use in real time, sending data to a central dashboard and allowing facilities managers to detect anomalies.

Rainwater harvesting systems

Rainwater harvesting can reduce mains water consumption by up to 50% for suitable applications, according to GRAF. Rainwater is collected from roofs and other services, then filtered and stored in tanks to be pumped into the building’s plumbing system. It can then be used for non-potable uses, such as toilet flushing, irrigation, and cooling, and this can significantly reduce your business’s reliance on mains water. 

It also helps protect your organisation against droughts and other water scarcity concerns, which are growing with the climate crisis.

water meter

Greywater recycling

Through greywater recycling, nothing is wasted. It involves treating and reusing water from sinks, showers, and washing machines for non-potable uses, dramatically cutting water waste throughout your organisation. It’s particularly useful in hospitality businesses and office buildings.

Water Offsets reports that greywater recycling can reduce water usage by up to 40% in commercial buildings. And don’t worry – the water is completely safe. Greywater is captured and treated to remove contaminants, before being reused for flushing or landscape irrigation.

Water-efficient fixtures and appliances

ABI Interiors reports that water-efficient fixtures can cut down water use by as much as 30% depending on the type of fixtures and your business’s usage patterns. It involves replacing old fixtures and appliances with more efficient models, such as taps, toilets and dishwashers.

Low-flow taps and dual-flush toilets use advanced tech to reduce the amount of water needed for everyday tasks.

Leak detection technology

Undetected leaks can result in substantial water waste, making up as much as a quarter of a business’s total water usage, according to Ofwat. This can result in higher bills, poor sustainability and even property damage, so investing in advanced leak detection technology can help your business address the issue proactively.

Using sensors and analytics, leak detection systems monitor water pressure and flow. When an abnormal pattern is detected, the system will alert maintenance teams, meaning an immediate intervention can take place before significant water loss occurs.

As water becomes an increasingly precious resource, the time to act is now. Implementing these solutions will not only help your business save key costs but also contribute to a greener world.

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