Terms and Conditions for telecoms


These Conditions, together with the other Contract Documents, set out the Terms and Conditions on which we will provide Services to you at the Property or Properties where you use our Services (together the Contract). These Conditions were last updated on 12/06/24 and are effective from 12/07/24.

Certain words or phrases used in these Conditions are highlighted in bold and italics. This means that we have given those words or phrases specific meanings, which are set out in Condition 14. In this document, ‘you’ or ‘your’ refers to you, our customer, and ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ refers to Everflow Telecoms Limited (company number 11624217).


1. The Contract


These Conditions apply from the Contract Agreed Date. They then continue until the Contract End Date in accordance with Condition 4.


 In the event that there is any conflict or inconsistency between your Contract and these Conditions then these Conditions shall have precedence.


You acknowledge and agree that we are entitled to amend the terms of any of the ContractDocuments at any time provided that we give at least one months’ notice of any material changes subject to Condition 13.4 . Our notice to you will specify the effective date of the relevant amendment(s), and you will be deemed to have accepted any such amendment(s) on the effective date unless you tell us otherwise.


Contract may only apply to a single distinct Property and a Contract will not apply to multiple Properties.  Where you have multiple Properties for which you require the Services, then you will need to enter into a separate Contract per Property.

2. Our Charges


You will find our Charges, and the basis on which we work out our Charges, in your Contract.


The following Conditions apply to your Charges:


All our Charges will also have UK tax or duty charged on them, including VAT at the current rate, where applicable.


The Charges for each Call will be calculated by multiplying the period of the Call, rounded up to the nearest whole second, by the relevant per minute rate and rounding the results up to 3 decimal places of a pound. Calls which extend over more than one time band will be charged at the rate appropriate to the time band (defined below) in which the Call commenced.


Time band shall be 8am to 6pm weekdays, midnight Friday to midnight Sunday and all other times outside of these time periods.


Payphone access levies (including reversed charge) and mobile access levies will apply to all Calls from payphones or mobiles (as appropriate) as additional charges as set out in our standard rates published on our Website, here, as updated from time to time.


We reserve the right to charge you in a separate invoice or in your next invoice for any amounts owed by you from a previous billing period which were not previously invoiced by us and which are due and payable by you. The payment terms in relation to any such invoice shall be as set out in Condition 3 below.


We reserve the right to charge you for any payphone access levy or mobile access levy incurred by us during the provision of the Number Translation Service (which means the 0808, 0845, 0870, 0871, and other non-geographic services to be provided by us as described in the relevant service literature published on our Website). The relevant charges are shown here.


Where no prior agreement to the contrary exists, we reserve the right to invoice you for excessive costs of conveyance caused by deliberate aggregation by you for Calls to a particular dial string within a destination, the engagement by you in arbitrage, deliberate manipulation of call profiles or other similar acts of a non-commercial nature initiated by you.


Where our underlying costs change where applicable we will pass these on providing you reasonable notice.


Where we levy an advance (upfront) charge this will be payable on your first invoice which may be prior to your service commencing.


In addition to our Charges, we may also recover our reasonable costs incurred by us if you fail to meet your obligations under these Conditions. These may include, but are not limited to, costs in connection with:

2.12.1.    Recovering unpaid Charges;

2.12.2.    Failing to allow individuals access to a Property set out in these Conditions; or

2.12.3.    Recovering from you any unpaid delivery cost owed to us.


3. Payment


You agree to pay us for the Services you receive and to pay any other Charges properly due in connection with these Conditions. Your Contract or Price Plan specifies the payment terms for the Services including when and at what frequency your payments must be made.


Your billing date will initially be based on your Services Start Date and your first bill will be for 1 months’ service in advance and/or subject to any advance charges, unless stated by us.


After your first bill has been issued your billing date may be subject to change at our sole discretion.


Your bills will be sent via email. If you want paper bills, just ask us and we'll send them to you.  There will be a reasonable surcharge per bill.  Surcharges can be found here.


All bills must be paid by Direct Debit, unless previously agreed by us in writing.


If your Direct Debit is cancelled and not reinstated within 5 Business Days without our express permission in writing, we can require you to pay using another payment method. The amounts charged in accordance with your Contract will be increased by 5%, or £10 per month, whichever is greater, to cover the additional administrative costs incurred by accepting payment by a method other than Direct Debit.


Unless we have agreed otherwise in writing, all invoices must be paid by you in full within 10 Business Days of the date of the invoice. 


Without limiting any of our remedies under these Conditions:

3.8.1.    We reserve the right to suspend the Services if you fail to make any payment due to us by the payment due date;

3.8.2.    If you fail to make a payment within a further 10 days of the due date we may terminate the Contract in accordance with Condition 4 below and take all necessary actions to pursue any Outstanding Debt owing to us.


Notwithstanding our rights in Conditions 3.8.1 and 3.8.2 if you do not pay by the invoice due date, we will charge you a late payment fee of 5% of the bill or £10, whichever is greater.


If you disagree with your bill you must contact us immediately and provide details of why you disagree and/or any complaint before your invoice is due for payment. Where there is evidence that your bill was incorrect at the time of issue we will agree that you do not need to pay the Charges until we have investigated and corrected any error. If we do not agree that you have a valid reason for withholding payment then you will be liable to pay 5% of the outstanding Charges under the disputed invoice or £10, whichever is greater, to cover additional administrative costs incurred due to payment being withheld and any investigation, reissue of invoice or similar.


Charges which can be found here will be adjusted to reflect any additional costs set out in this Condition 3. We do not have to give you notice to do this and the change will take place immediately.


If your bank fails to honour a payment for any reason, we will attempt to represent our Direct Debit request to your bank, which will incur an additional surcharge.


Should the Direct Debit fail on multiple occasions we may change the payment arrangements immediately (e.g. from Direct Debit to BACS) and or suspend the Services and or vary your Price Plan, which may include backdated Charges. You will then be responsible for paying all Services supplied in line with the new payment arrangements, together with all other costs we must pay in connection with the new arrangements.


4. Ending the Contract


The Contract can only be ended in accordance with this Condition 4.


After the Contract End Date, the Contract will roll onto our standard rates which can be found here, which may be more expensive than your current prices. You must give us a minimum of 30 days’ notice that you wish to exit or enter into a new contract with us prior to the Contract End Date. Such notice cannot be given until you are within 120 days from the Contract End Date.


If you end the Contract before the end of your Contract End Date, for any other reason than that you have gone into administration, or we have notified you of a contractual change in accordance with Condition 1.3, then you will be liable to pay a fee. The fee will be the remaining Charges for the Services for the remainder of the contract term set out in the Contract Schedule. If there is a Network Provider charge for the removal of any rented hardware at this time this charge will be passed to you. All relevant Charges can be found here.



If you end the Contract before the end of your Contract End Date because you have gone into administration, or we have notified you of a contractual change in accordance with Condition 1.3, then you will not be liable to pay a fee.


Without prejudice to any of our other rights or remedies, we reserve the right to terminate your Contract if you fail to make payment within the timescales set out in Condition 3 and/or you fail to ensure that we and/or our Network Suppliers have access to the premises to supply the Services.  In these circumstances fees will apply; please see here.


We reserve the right to terminate the Contract for any other reason. We will provide you written notice at which time any Services that you have paid for in advance will be refunded to you, and you shall pay to us all arrears or outstanding Charges due to us.


Any outstanding payments or Charges including backdated call Charges as described in Condition 3.12 must be paid in full as due under this Contract.


The accrued rights and obligations of the parties at the date of termination shall survive the termination of this Contract.


We recognise the importance of ensuring continued service, if we serve notice to terminate this Contract pursuant to Condition 4.5.  Where applicable we will work with a third party on a reasonable endeavours basis with a view to continue the supply of the Services to you.


Notwithstanding this Condition 4, we may terminate the Contract immediately if our Network Supplier ceases to be authorised to provide the Services under the Communications Act 2003 or is obliged to terminate their agreement with us in order to comply with an order, instruction or request of Government, an emergency services organisation, a court of law, tribunal or other competent administrative or regulatory body, including Ofcom and Phone-paid Services Authority.


We recognise the importance of ensuring continued service to you.  If the Network Supplier serves notice on us to terminate their agreement with us, we may be required to request certain information from you if a Third-Party Network Supplier chooses to offer, contract with, and provide such services to you directly.  In such circumstances, you agree to provide us with relevant information on behalf of the Third-Party Network Supplier so that they can offer, contract with, and provide such services to you directly in such circumstances.


If the Contract is assigned to a third party as described under Condition 8, the Contract shall remain unchanged unless otherwise notified by the third party.


If we are suspending the services temporarily in line with Condition 5, we will explain this to you. If we need to permanently stop supplying the services, we may cancel this Contract immediately.


We may cancel this Contract immediately if you are no longer the owner or occupier of the Property or if Ofcom or another relevant authority instructs another supplier to supply the Services to the Property.


If we lose our licence to supply the Services to you, either you or we can cancel this Contract immediately.


We reserve the right to terminate this Contract immediately and withdraw any telephone numbers that are allocated to you should you appear on any lists that may at any time in the future be compiled and published by Ofcom of companies and individuals that have caused serious or repeated harm to consumers or of companies and individuals that are under assessment.


5. Services


We work with Network Suppliers that use network providers (such as BT) who are authorised under the Communications Act 2003 to operate electronic communications networks and systems in the UK to provide the Services to you.


At our discretion we may choose to work with other Network Suppliers during the term of your Contract to perform the Services. We will confirm the same to you where such a change occurs.


We do not allow or permit you to use any of the Services in the manner below, failure to comply may result in termination of the Contract by notice as outlined Condition 4.5:


5.3.1.    In a way that does not comply with the terms of any legislation or any codes of practice, regulations or any licence or authorisation applicable to you or that is in any way unlawful or fraudulent or to the knowledge of us has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect;

5.3.2.    In connection with (without prejudice to the generality of Condition 5.3.1 above) the carrying out of fraud or a criminal offence against any other public electronic communications operator;

5.3.3.    In any way that constitutes Artificial Inflation of Traffic;

5.3.4.    To engage in conduct which amounts to improper or persistent misuse of a public electronic communications network or service within the meaning of sections 127 to 128 of the Act;

5.3.5.    In a way that (in our reasonable opinion) could materially affect the quality of any electronic communications service or other service provided by us, our Network Supplier or any third party;

5.3.6.    To use the Services to make nuisance calls or deliver Spam;

5.3.7.    To threaten, harass, stalk, abuse, disrupt or otherwise violate or infringe the rights (including but not limited to copyright, rights of privacy and publicity) of others;

5.3.8.    To send and receive data or call traffic in such a way or in such amount so as to adversely affect the network (or any part of it) which underpins any Service or to adversely affect other customers of our Network Supplier or its suppliers;

5.3.9.    In a way which (in our reasonable opinion) brings our name into disrepute, or which puts us in breach of the Communications Act 2003.

5.3.10.  To obtain access, through whatever means, to notified restricted areas of the underlying network;


As a provider of outbound voice over IP (VOIP) services we recommend that you register and update your location services to make accurate and reliable caller location information available to emergency organisations when using our Services. VOIP services support 999/112 public emergency call services and such Calls will be routed to the national emergency call handling agents. However these services do not operate in the same way as public switched telephone network (PSTN) fixed line 999/112 public emergency call services and connection to such services may not be possible in the event of a service outage caused by loss of your connectivity to the internet for whatever reason. In such circumstances, you should use your PSTN line to make the emergency call. Furthermore, it may on occasions not be possible for emergency services personnel to identify your location and telephone number so this information should be stated promptly and clearly by you to the call operator when making such a call.


The Services may be suspended if:

5.5.1.    Work needs to be carried out by our Network Supplier, the Network Supplier (including but not limited to BT) relating to the upgrading or maintenance of the Services.    

5.5.2.    We have reason to believe the Service is being used in a manner which breaches or may breach the provisions of Condition 5.3;

5.5.3.    The Company is in breach of any of the material terms of this Contract;

5.5.4.    In case of emergency;

5.5.5.    If you have failed to make payment outlined in Condition 3; or

5.5.6.    Our Network Supplier is required to suspend their services in order to comply with an order, instruction or request of the Government, an emergency services organisation, a court of law, tribunal or other competent administrative or regulatory body, including Ofcom and Phone- paid Services Authority.


You undertake that all apparatus which is attached (directly or indirectly) to the Services will conform to all applicable laws and to the relevant standard or approval for the time being designated under the Act or the Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Regulations 2000 (as may be subsequently amended and extended) and any requirements or standards set out in the relevant service literature.


You shall comply with all applicable laws (including, without limitation, data protection laws and laws relating to the provision of VOIP services) and all codes of conduct, decisions, directions or recommendations issued by Ofcom and/or the Phone-paid Services Authority and/or any other competent regulatory body when using the Services.


6. Broadband Service – this Condition 6 applies when you purchase the Broadband Service from us.


This Condition 6 applies when you purchase the Broadband Service from us.


The Broadband Service will only be available if you have and maintain a contract with BT for the use of a BT provided analogue direct exchange line which terminates on a master socket forming part of the BT Network. You agree to indemnify us against any claims or legal proceedings which are brought or threatened against us as a consequence of you not having a contract for the use of a BT provided analogue direct exchange line.


For any equipment you purchase from us, the risk will pass on delivery to you but title will only pass once full payment for the equipment has been received by us.  You must notify us within 28 days of delivery of any faults or damage to equipment on delivery after which date it will be deemed that you have accepted the equipment as being satisfactory.


You must use the Broadband Service in accordance with the acceptable use policy which can be found here.


The Captive Portal allows our Network Supplier to identify circuits that are under an external attack, for example by DDoS(distributed denial of service), that could impact on other users or to recognise that a circuit has an open DNS (domain name server) relay which is known to be a security threat. Where such cases are identified our Network Supplier or the Network Supplier (including but not limited to BT) shall be entitled to move the affected circuits into an enclosed environment on its network to prevent such attacks from affecting you or other users and to minimize any impact on your wider network. Our Network Supplier and the network supplier (including but not limited to BT) (as applicable) shall have the sole responsibility for deciding whether or not any such circuit shall be released from the Captive Portal.


We shall not be responsible for any losses arising out of or incurred by you as a result of the transfer of any circuit as set out in Condition 6.4 above.


You accept that Spam and virus filters are not 100% effective and that the use of Spam filters includes a small risk of loss of wanted messages. We shall not be liable for any losses incurred by you connected with Spam, viruses, worms or the use of Spam or virus filters, however caused.


Use of the internet (which is separate from the Broadband Service) is at your own risk and subject to any applicable laws. We will not be liable for any goods, services, information, software, or other materials that the you may obtain when using the internet or newsgroups, nor for any consequences resulting from viewing, downloading or any interaction whatsoever with the internet or with newsgroups.


Our Network Supplier and the Network Supplier (including but not limited to BT) (as applicable) can keep a record of websites visited, URLs, duration of visits, and bandwidth used, among other things. They retain this data for several reasons to comply with UK law. 


Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that we have, we may terminate the provision of the Broadband Service on not less than 1 months’ notice in writing to you if you breach the terms of the Contract in which case you shall pay to us all arrears of Charges in respect of the Broadband Service up to the date of its termination.


7. Service Level Agreement & Service Fault 


Our operational hours for notifying us of a fault are between 9.00 – 17.00 UK time, Monday-Friday excluding UK public holidays (“Working Hours”). We reserve the right to vary these at any time without prior notice.


We do not warrant to you that the Services will be fault free or free of interruptions.  We will use reasonable endeavours to rectify the fault reported to us within 72 working hours of notification from you of the fault. If an engineering visit to a Property is required, this will take place during Working Hours.


A fault will be considered rectified if it has been corrected by us and we have confirmed the same to you. If we are prevented from rectifying a fault which has been reported to us due to circumstances outside of our reasonable control the period of time for rectifying the fault shall be waived and extended accordingly and we shall incur no liability for any delay in performing or failure to perform our obligations under this Contract.  Such circumstances shall include, but shall not be limited to:

7.3.1.    An appointed sub-contractor not having access to your Property at the agreed appointment time or within 22 hours of receipt of the fault report, as the case may be;

7.3.2.    If you fail to respond to reasonable enquiries from us in connection with the fault;

7.3.3.    In the case of an engineering visit to a Property, you failing to accept the first available appointment time offered by us; or

7.3.4.    Any action or failure to act by you, as a direct result of which we are unable to comply with their obligations.


If you have chosen to use your own equipment, we will not be responsible for any faults or failures of service directly attributable to it and we will be unable to support repairs or configuration of it.  You will be asked to use the equipment supplied by us to diagnose any faults. If you have not taken any equipment from us, you will be required to purchase it in order for us to provide support.


8. Assignment of Contract


You agree that we may transfer Charges, credit, or information relating to your Services including your Direct Debit information to a new provider in line with all laws and regulations that apply, including to allow us to manage any payments you owe us.


You agree that the terms of this Contract can be assigned to another Network Supplier or network provider of our choice or the choice of Ofcom or any other relevant authority, at which time the provider may make variations to the Contract.


9. Optional Extras

9.1.If you would like to choose the additional extras that are offered on our Website, for example a 1571 service, you will be required to enter into some additional terms and conditions, which we will give you as part of your application.


10. Warranties and Indemnity


You warrant to us (such warranty being deemed to be repeated on each and every day during the term of this Contract) that you have the unimpaired right and authority to enter into and perform this Contract which shall constitute a binding obligation on you.


You shall indemnify us and hold us harmless from and against all liabilities, actions, losses, damages, judgments, costs, claims or expenses incurred by us or any legal proceedings which are brought against us by a third party (including, without limitation, our Network Supplier) arising out of or in connection with:


10.2.1.    The Services being or having been used in way that breaches Condition 5 except where such breach results from fraud on our part;

10.2.2.    The Broadband Service being or having been used in a way that breaches Condition 6 except where such breach results from fraud on our part;

10.2.3.    Any fraud or Artificial Inflation of Traffic; or

10.2.4.    Any other use of the Services by you in breach of these Conditions.

10.2.5.    You breaching the warranty in Condition 10.1.


11. Our Responsibilities for loss or damage


Except as set out in Condition 11.4, we will not be responsible to you for:


11.1.1.    Loss of revenue (direct or indirect);

11.1.2.    Loss of profit (direct or indirect);

11.1.3.    Loss of contract (direct or indirect);

11.1.4.    Loss of data (direct or indirect);

11.1.5.    Loss of anticipated savings; (direct or indirect);

11.1.6.    Business interruption (direct or indirect);

11.1.7.    Loss of time (direct or indirect); 

11.1.8.    Loss of opportunity (direct or indirect);

11.1.9.    Any special, consequential or indirect loss, however it is caused, even if it could have reasonably been foreseen; or 

11.1.10.  Any other loss or damage



Subject to Conditions 11.1 and 11.5, our liability to you in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise arising under or in connection with this Contract in any twelve (12) month period starting on the Start Date or any anniversary thereof shall be limited to the lower of £50,000 or the total Charges paid or payable to us by you in such twelve (12) month period,  provided that such limit of liability shall not apply to any Charges duly owed to us for any Services provided or committed.


Notwithstanding Condition 11.2, and subject to Conditions 11.1 and 11.5 our liability to you for damage to your property shallbe limited to the lower of £50,000 or 12 months’ chargesfor the duration of this Contract.


If any act or failure to act by our suppliers causes you any loss or damage, our liability to you (if any) arising out of or in connection with such act or failure to act will be limited to the amount (if any) that we are entitled to recover from those suppliers.


Nothing in the Contract excludes or limits our legal responsibility for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or that of any of our officers, employees or agents, or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or anything else we are not able to legally limit by law.


If the Contract ends, this Condition 11 will continue to apply.


12. Personal Information


For the purposes of this Condition 12, the terms commissioner, controller, data subject, Personal Data, personal data breach, processor and processing, shall have the meaning given to them in the UK GDPR, and supervisory authority shall have the meaning given to it in the EU GDPR.


We will comply with all the applicable requirements of Data Protection Legislation.  For the purposes of the Data Protection Legislation we are acting as a processor and we may appoint sub processors in order to provide the Services to you.


If you require any further information about how we collect, process, share and store your PersonalData, please see our privacy policy which can be found here


Without prejudice to Conditions 12.2 and12.3, where we act as processor we shall, in relation to any Personal Data:


12.4.1.    Process that Personal Data only on the documented written instructions of you unless we are required by the Data Protection Legislation to otherwise process that Personal Data. Where we are relying on the Data Protection Legislation as the basis for processing Personal Data, we shall promptly notify you of this before performing the processing required by the Data Protection Legislation unless the Data Protection Legislation prohibits us from so notifying you on important grounds of public interest. We shall immediately inform you if, in our opinion, your instructions infringe the Data Protection Legislation;

12.4.2.    Implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect against unauthorised or unlawful processing of Personal Data and against its accidental loss, damage or destruction, including inter alia as appropriate:    The ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and Services;    The ability to restore the availability and access to Personal Data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident; and    A process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures for ensuring the security of the processing.

12.4.3.    Ensure and procure that that all personnel who have access to and/or process Personal Data are obliged to keep the Personal Data confidential;

12.4.4.    Promptly assist you, in responding to any request from a data subject and in ensuring compliance with your obligations under the Data Protection Legislation with respect to security, breach notifications, impact assessments and consultations with the commissioner, supervisory authorities or other regulators and, in particular, we shall promptly notify you if we receive any complaint, notice or communication (whether from the commissioner, any data subject, supervisory authority or other third party) which relates to processing of the Personal Data

12.4.5.    Notify you without undue delay after becoming aware of a Personal Data breach;

12.4.6.    At your written direction, delete or return to you the Personal Data and copies thereof on termination or expiry of the Contract; and

12.4.7.    Maintain adequate records, and, on your request, make available such information as you may reasonably request, and allow for and submit its premises and operations to audits, including inspections, by you or your designated auditor, to demonstrate our compliance with the Data Protection Legislation and this Condition 12.


We shall not, without written notice to you:

12.5.1.    Appoint or replace (or change the terms of the appointment of) any other processor or sub-processor (other than our Network Supplier) in relation to Personal Data or transfer any Personal Data to the same; or

12.5.2.    Carry out, via ourselves or via any other processor or sub-processing, any processing of Personal Data, or transfer any Personal Data, outside of the UK, including processing Personal Data on equipment situated outside of the UK.


We may, at any time on not less than 30 days’ notice, revise this Condition 12 by replacing it with any applicable controller to processor standard clauses or similar terms forming part of an applicable certification scheme (which shall apply when replaced by attachment to the Contract)


13. General


The Contract and any written variation of the Contract constitute the entire agreement between us and supersedes all previous written and oral communications between us.


You may not transfer any of your rights or responsibilities under the Contract to another person without our advance written permission.


Except as set out in these Conditions, no variation to the Contract shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by both parties, or our authorised representatives.


Notwithstanding Condition 13.3 we reserve the right to make any written variations to these Conditions without your consent where we are required to make such changes in order to comply with a change of law, regulation or rule, a request by the Government, the emergency services, a court of law, tribunal or other competent administrative or regulatory body, including Ofcom and the Phone-paid Services Authority.  If any changes are required to the Contract, we will discuss them with you and the extent of the amendments necessary for compliance with the change of law, regulation or rule.


Neither party shall be in breach of the Contract nor liable for delay in performing, or failure to perform, any of its obligations under the Contract if such delay or failure results from events, circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control.


Nothing in the Contract is intended to, or shall be deemed to, establish any partnership or joint venture between us; constitute either of us as the agent of the other; or authorise either of us to make or enter into any commitments for or on behalf of the other.


Each party undertakes that it shall not disclose to any person any confidential information concerning the business, affairs, customers, clients or suppliers of the other party, except that each party may disclose the other party’s confidential information:


To its employees, officers, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of carrying out the party's obligations under the Contract. Each party shall ensure that its employees, officers, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or advisers to whom it discloses the other party's confidential information comply with this Condition 13; and


As may be may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority.


Neither party shall use the other party's confidential information for any purpose other than to perform its obligations under the Contract.


The Contract does not give rise to any rights to any party who is not a party to this Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.


If, at any time, we are informed of a regulatory investigation you will be obliged to provide all documents and take all reasonable steps to assist us in our response at your sole cost and expense.


If, at any time, we do not insist that you comply with any part of the Contract, this will not be a waiver of any term of these Conditions and will not prevent us from doing so in the future.


If any part of these Conditions cannot be enforced, it will not affect any other part of the Conditions.


We may serve any notice in connection with the Contract by leaving it at your last known address or place of business (in the case of a company, at its registered office) or at any Property covered by the Contract, in each case addressed to you, or by post addressed to you at any Property covered by the Contract or by fax to your last known fax number or by email to your last known email address. You may serve any notice in connection with the Contract by leaving it at, or posting it to:

Everflow Limited
Traynor Hub (t2)
Traynor Way
County Durham


The Contract, and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.  Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including noncontractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with the Contract or its subject matter or formation.


14. Definitions

Broadband Service – the broadband service set out in the service literature published on the Website (described in these Conditions).

BT – British Telecommunications plc of 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJ registered in England No. 1800000.

BT Network – BT’s fixed public switched electronic communications network.

Business Day – a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England when banks in London are open for business.

Call(s) – means a signal, message or communication which can be silent, visual (including text) or spoken.

Captive Portal – means an enclosed environment that our Network Supplier can move circuits that they think could be under attack and cause a risk to security into

Charges- The amount payable by you for Services as specified in your Contract with us.

Conditions – the terms and conditions set out in this document

Contract Agreed Date – the date you agree to enter into the Contract with us either verbally or in writing.

Contract Documents – these Conditions, quote summary, contract schedule and Charges.

Contract End Date – the date specified in your contract schedule as your Contract End Date (which will usually be 1 year after the date your Contract commenced) or as calculated in accordance with Condition 4.

Contract – your contract with us made up of the Contract Documents for the supply of the Services in accordance with these Conditions.

Data Protection Legislation – the UK Data Protection Legislation and relating to personal data and all other legislation and regulatory requirements in force from time to time which apply to a party relating to the use of Personal Data (including, without limitation, the privacy of electronic communications).

Network Supplier means the suppliers that we work with to provide the Services to you.

Ofcom – The organisation appointed by the Government to regulate the English telecommunications market.

Outstanding Debt – a debt which has been outstanding for 14 days or more, where a revised payment date has been offered and not met, and where no valid query on the Charges due has been accepted for investigation by us within that 14 day period.

Personal Data – has the meaning given to it in the Data Protection Legislation.

Price Plan- a combination of tariff and payment method together with any special terms clearly stated in your contract.

Property – a premises you own, lease or otherwise occupy.

Services Start Date – the Services Start Date set out in the Contract Schedule.

Services – the services set out in the Contract Schedule and additional services which we may provide to you from time to time as agreed in writing.

Spam – an unsolicited communication not permitted under the Data Protection Legislation.

UK Data Protection Legislation – all applicable data protection and privacy legislation in force from time to time in the UK including the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (EU GDPR); the UK GDPR as defined in section 3(10) (as supplemented by section 205(4)) of the Data Protection Act 2018; the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2002/58/ EC (as updated by Directive 2009/136/EC) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/2426) as amended and all other legislation and regulatory requirements in force from time to time which apply to a party relating to the use ofPersonal Data (including, without limitation, the privacy of electronic communications); and the guidance and codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner or other relevant regulatory authority and applicable to a party.

Website – everflowutilities.com