Avoiding a wasteful January: how to dispose of Christmas rubbish responsibly


January is a time for fresh starts, so here’s how to leave the festive waste behind

Christmas might be the most wonderful time of the year, but it is also the most wasteful. GWP Group reports that the UK spends £700 million on unwanted Christmas gifts every year, and the plastic waste generated by the UK every Christmas is around a whopping 76 million tonnes.

With waste rising by 30% at Christmas time, it’s important that businesses take a critical eye to their waste management procedures at the start of each new year. Effective waste management can save you money, streamline operations, and help you on your way to meeting your green goals.

So let’s take a closer look at the steps you can take to avoid a wasteful January in your business. Here’s how to dispose of Christmas rubbish responsibly.

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Understanding the scale of your waste

Understanding your commercial waste patterns, and how much your waste creation changed over Christmas, can help you take well-thought steps towards increased sustainability. 

According to the Environmental Agency, the UK sees a substantial increase in waste throughout December, including packaging, food waste, and Christmas trees. Businesses contribute significantly to this surge, making it vital to address the issue.

Segregate and recycle

The key to effective waste management is segregation. Businesses should separate recyclable materials such as cardboard, paper, plastics, and metals from non-recyclable waste. This not only makes recycling processes more efficient but also reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills. Partnering with local recycling facilities can also help to streamline this process, and help your business feel more involved in the local community.

Responsible disposal of electronics

The period post-Christmas often sees a rise in electronic waste due to upgrades in office equipment. It is crucial for businesses to dispose of e-waste through authorised channels. The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) regulations provide guidance on how to recycle or dispose of electronic items responsibly.

Food waste management

For businesses in the food industry, managing food waste is a significant challenge. Even if you’re not in the food business, chances are your workplace still created more food than usual in December. Donating unsold edible food to local shelters or food banks can be a socially responsible approach. Additionally, composting organic waste can be an effective way of reducing the environmental impact.

Sustainable disposal of Christmas trees

Businesses that decorate with real Christmas trees should consider environmentally friendly disposal methods. Many local councils in the UK offer Christmas tree recycling services, turning them into wood chips or compost, which are then used in public gardens and woodlands.

Reducing future waste

Looking beyond immediate disposal, businesses should also consider strategies to reduce future waste. Opting for sustainable decorations, minimising packaging, and choosing eco-friendly gifts for corporate giveaways can significantly reduce waste generation in the future.

Employee engagement and education

Educating and engaging employees in waste reduction and recycling initiatives is critical. Encouraging staff to bring their own Christmas waste for recycling or organising waste management workshops can foster a culture of environmental responsibility within the organisation.

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Put your waste management under the spotlight

Post-Christmas waste management is a significant aspect of a business's environmental responsibility. By adopting sustainable disposal practices, UK businesses not only contribute to a cleaner environment but also set a precedent for eco-conscious operations. 

Finding the right waste management services for your business can help you make long term infrastructural changes to benefit both your brand and the environment. It may require both commitment and collaboration, but responsible waste disposal is undoubtedly a step in the right direction for a sustainable future.


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Get in touch with Everflow today

Looking for the best waste management solutions for your business? You’re in the right place. Everflow are dedicated to serve environmentally friendly utilities solutions to businesses across the UK. Get in touch with our team today to find out how we can support your organisation.