What’s the copper network switch off and what does my business need to do about it?


A fast, secure and reliable internet connection is a non-negotiable in the modern world. Whether for business or leisure, we all rely on connectivity to get through daily life. In recent years, significant steps have been taken to accommodate this need, moving towards a future with high-speed, reliable internet that is accessible for all.

A key turning point of this transition is the copper network switch off, which will impact businesses up and down the country, so it’s important to be prepared.

To help you, we’ve got all the information you need. Let’s explore what the copper network switch off is, why it’s important, and what steps you ned to take to ensure a smooth transition.

What is the copper network switch off?

The UK construction sector is responsible for around 120 million tonnes of waste every year, showing just how important waste management is in this industry. There are stringent regulations in place governing waste management, including Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 and the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Managing waste effectively helps ensure construction businesses comply with these legislations.

Proper waste disposal and recycling is also important for reducing the environmental impact of construction projects, leading to a smaller carbon footprint, and saving costs. Reduced material use, lower disposal fees, and potential revenue from recycled materials can all save construction businesses money.

Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can also enhance your corporate reputation, improving both stakeholder relations and brand perception.


Why is the copper network being switched off?

The main reason why the copper network is being switched off is to make room for a more advanced solution. Fibre optic cables provide much faster and more reliable internet connections compared to copper, so upgrading the network supports the increasing demand for high-speed internet. Bandwidth intensive applications like cloud computing and video conferencing have become much more widely used in recent years.

What’s more, fibre networks are more scalable and future-proof, as they’re capable of handling the data demands of emerging tech like 5G and the IoT. Maintaining an ageing copper infrastructure is costly, while fibre optic cabling is cheaper to maintain in the long run.

How will the switch off impact your business?

The businesses most impacted by the copper network switch off are those still using services that are delivered by copper, as these will be replaced or upgraded.

This includes traditional landlines, which will be changed to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) or other digital communication solutions. If your internet connection is currently provided by ADSL or other copper-based services, you’ll need to switch to fibre broadband too.

Alarm systems, CCTV and other security services that depend on copper lines will need to be upgraded to digital systems.

What does your business need to do?

Audit your current services

Identify all current services and devices that rely on the copper network, including phone systems, internet connections, security systems and any other communication tools.

Consult with providers

Speak to your current service providers to discuss the transition, and see if they can offer advice on suitable fibre-based alternatives and provide timelines for switching over.

Plan the transition

Develop a detailed plan for migrating to fibre. This should include timelines, potential downtime, costs and training for staff on any new systems you need to buy.

Upgrade equipment

If necessary, invest in new hardware. Switching to VoIP, for example, may require new handsets or adapters. Ensure any new equipment is compatible with fibre technology.

Test the new setup

Run tests to ensure that the new systems are working correctly and that your business operations are not disrupted before you decommission the old copper-based services entirely.

Educate your team

Make sure your staff are aware of the changes and comfortable with how to navigate them. Provide training sessions if necessary to ensure a smooth transition.


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