Frequently asked questions
If you are planning to move into an Everflow supplied property, please contact us on or after the day that you move in. You can do this by filling out this form or by contacting our Movers team directly on 02475 185416. Their opening hours are Monday-Friday 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding bank holidays).
We may require evidence of your move, for example a tenancy agreement.
If you are planning to move out of a property, please can you inform us on or after the day you move out. You can do this by filling out this form or by contacting our Movers team directly on 02475 185416. There opening hours are Monday-Friday 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding bank holidays).
If you have an aged debt on your account or if you are advising us of a change in tenancy over 30 days after the change we may require proof. For example, a tenancy agreement.
To ensure the accuracy of your account it is important you take a meter reading on the day of the move. For help with reading your meter, please see this handy videoTrade effluent is any liquid waste (effluent) other than surface water and domestic sewerage that is discharged from premises being used for a business, trade or industrial process. Trade effluent may be waste water contaminated with materials such as:
- Food wastes and we will assist you in your application.
There are several reasons why an invoice may be higher than normal. Usually, a high invoice is received following a meter read being taken from your property. Meter reads taken from your property are usually displayed on a graph on page 3 of your invoice with actual reads shown in green on the graph and estimated reads in blue. Your meter serial number is also displayed on this page. If your meter has not been read for a while, often a higher than usual invoice will be received after a read is taken if we have been estimating you are using less water than you actually are.
If your invoice is higher than normal, in the first instance we recommend checking your meter to ensure the meter serial number and reads shown in your invoice are accurate.
If there is a problem with the meter reads or meter serial number on your invoice, you can let us know by completing the following form and attaching a current photo of your meter, clearly displaying the read and the serial number.
Once you have confirmed the meter read and serial number are correct, there are other things to consider that may cause a high invoice. Has your business been using more water than normal for example, increased production, more staff on site, increased outlets?
Surface water or groundwater drains directly or indirectly into a public sewer. A charge is applied to your account to cover the cost of treating this waste water and is calculated based on either the size of your property (in square meters) or a fixed charge based on the size of your meter or your consumption at the property.
If you think your surface water drainage charge is incorrect, you can let us know by emailing our Customer Service team via and providing the following information:
Account number
Meter ID
Business name
Supply address
Name of the person authorised to discuss the account
Attach site plan (detailing hard surfaces and soak aways, including measurements)
If you have had a leak at your property outside of your typical usage and registered on your meter, we maybe able to apply for a leak allowance with your wholesaler on your behalf. Usually a leak allowance for water will only be granted if the leakage occured on or before the meter. The supply from the meter to your property is your responsibility and an allowance for water lost in this way will not normally be granted.
If you have experienced a leak from pipework that is your responsibility, you may be entitled to an allowance for water water lost during the leak if you can evidence that the lost water did not drain into a public sewer. For example the leak was underground.
If you would like to apply for a leak allowance, please contact our Customer Service team via email at and provide the following information:
Account number
Meter ID
Business Name
Supply address
Name of the person authorised to discuss the account
Who repaired the leak (e.g. plumber, yourself)
The date of the repair
A meter reading taken directly after the repair
A meter reading taken at least 14 days later
The date the leak was first noticed
The location of the leak
Where did the water drain away to
A plumber’s report/ invoice and any other evidence such as photos (Attach document)
The pressure drops or the meter spins faster or slower than usual. Please refer to our helpful Self Leak Test Guide to see if you have a leak, or check your wholesaler's website to see if work is being carried out in your area.
If you have a metered supply, your usage is estimated based on your last two reads. If regular reads are not received this may result in under or over estimation, which will be reflected by a change in your billing amount once a read is received. You can submit a meter reading by filling in our online form or via our Customer Portal.
Some customers do not have a meter and their invoices will be calculate in one of two ways.
1. Assessed Charges - The wholesaler in your area will apply a predicted amount of annual usage for your property based on:
- The type of business of the property.
- The number of employees (full and part time)
- The type of water fixtures at the property (ie staff showers, washing machines etc.)
- Whether there is a staff canteen.
Based on the above the wholesaler will supply us with an assessed annual volume and assessed meter size, which allows us to bill volumetric rates as though there was a meter at the property.
If you believe the assessed charges applied to your property are incorrect, you can tell us by contacting our Customer Service team via email at, attaching a copy of your site plan and we will then investigate this on your behalf with your wholesaler. Please note it could take up to 30 days to receive a response from your wholesaler.
2. Unmeasured Charges (sometimes called unmetered) - These are based upon the valuation of your property not the water usage. A rateable value is placed on your property and you will receive a fixed rateable value. In England rateable values were set in 1990, in Scotland the rateable value can be changed at anytime by the Scottish Assessors Association. These charges are not set by anyone in the water industry and if you wish to query these charges, you will need to contact the Scottish Assessors Association or your local Council in England to have this value amended.
You can access the portal online between 7am and 9pm.
Click here to create your account. You will need to input your account number (including any -0 or -1 etc at the end) and follow the link that will be sent to the contact email address on your account. or phone us on 0330 6600 137.
We aim to read our customers meters every six months, but we also encourage all of our metered customers to send us monthly readings via our portal.
Here's a few reasons why having regular meter readings is so important:
Accurate billing
The first and most obvious point: accurate billing. If you send us a read up to five working days before your bill date, we can make sure that your read is included in your monthly bill, and ensure that your charges are as accurate as possible. If you can send us regular reads, you can avoid getting a catch-up bill from where your usage might have been higher or lower than estimated.
Leak detection
Let's hope it never comes to it, but leaks do happen, and they can happen in pipes that aren't visible to you. Eventually, if gone unnoticed, this can cause property damage, damp, and large bills. However, regular meter reads can help identify when things go wrong. If your meter shows increased consumption but you do not believe your usage has changed, it could mean that you have a leak. If you think you may have a leak, a simple leak test (you can find out how to do one here) will help identify if there is one, and allow you to make the relevant repairs as soon as possible.
Environmentally friendly
We know what you're thinking, how can reading your meter regularly make you more environmentally friendly? Keeping on top of your water usage and your bills makes you more aware of the amount of water that you're using. As you encourage your business to be efficient about your water usage, you'll be saving water and reducing the stress on the planet's water resources.
Hopefully we've convinced you that reading your water meter regularly is important.
If it is safe and legal for you to read your meter yourself, we recommend sending us meter readings every month. If you send us a reading five working days before your bill date, we can make sure it is reflected in your monthly invoice.
Please refer to our Emergency contact page. Give your wholesaler a call directly if you are experience a burst or leak outside the boundary of your premises, no water, strange smell, colour or taste to your water, low pressure, sewer flooding and blockages or trade effluent compliance issues.
There are a few checks that would need to be carried out in order to be able to look in to this further for you.
Complete a flow test.
- Take a meter read. A photo of the read would be helpful.
- Ensure no water is being used or being requested in the property.
- Measure 10 litres of water.
- Take a further meter read. A photo of the read would be helpful.
Following the test.
- If the meter records the 10 litre usage this indicates there are no issues with the meter.
- If the meter is over or under recording, please contact our customer service team by emailing or by calling 0330 6600 137. Our opening hours are Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00 (excluding bank holidays).
The easiest way to submit meter readings is by completing our online form You can also submit reads via our portal, over the phone on 0330 6600 137 or by emailing -whichever way you prefer!
We recommend submitting a meter read monthly via our portal, or by completing this form. It can take five days for a meter read to be uploaded onto your account and so we recommend prior to the date of your next invoice. It's good practice for you to check your water meter reading regularly as it can help identify a leak on supply or find problems with your meter. We do not recommend submitting more than one read per month for each meter.
As many meters are situated below ground, it may be necessary for you to clear water or debris from the meter chamber to allow you to view the meter. or by calling 0330 6600137. Our opening hours are Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00 (excluding bank holidays). Their opening hours are Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00 (excluding bank holidays).
Try the following, one at a time:
1. Refresh your browser and try again
2. Log out and log back in again. Click on the logout button in the top right of the Customer portal to log out. This will then take you to a log in screen. Fill in your login details and sign in.
3. Clear your browser's cache. Sometimes web pages won't load if your browser's cache needs clearing.
4. Click this link to learn how to clear the cache on your browser (
5. Restart your device. Make sure any documents are saved, and turn your device off and on again.
If you are not connected to a WiFi connection, you will need some form of mobile data coverage. Mobile data coverage can be patchy, so you may need to move to a location with better coverage, or find a WiFi network. If you are unsure if this is the case, try accessing another website and see if it is working.
A bandwidth of 10Mbps or above is normally needed. You can use this website to check your network bandwidth:
When you complete a quote it
will ask you if there are any time/access restrictions that might affect your
collection. Whilst we can’t guarantee will always try to arrange a
collection within these preferences.
The waste services we currently offer are:
- General
- Recycling
- Glass
- Food
- Cardboard
- Clinical
- Washroom services
- Confidential
We are continually updating our service offerings. If you do not see the waste type you need collecting please contact our customer services team via email at or by calling us on 0330 165 9890 and they will be happy to discuss your requirements.
For missed collections please contact our customer services team via email at or by calling us on 0330 165 9890.
We operate a Fair Use Policy to help our customers avoid unexpected charges for their waste.
When a supplier is chosen, this is based on your requirements provided when generating your quote. If you are unhappy with the service provided please contact us via email at or by calling us on 0330 165 9890.
businesses that produce waste are required by law to have a Duty of Care Waste
Transfer Note. The document is valid for one year but must be retained by
the owner/business for two years after its expiry.
All business owners are responsible for the safe storage of all waste produced and that this is disposed of in an appropriate manner with licensed suppliers. A Duty of Care waste transfer note will outline this and was is legally required.