Should businesses have a plan for water scarcity?


Water scarcity is a threat to households and businesses alike, and preparation is key

Access to clean and safe water is something most of us take for granted here in the UK, but there are factors which can threaten it. For businesses, water scarcity can spell disaster in terms of not just productivity, but employee health and wellbeing too.

As the old saying goes: the best offence is a good defence. Being prepared when it comes to the possibility of water scarcity can help your business avoid disaster and return to normal as swiftly and smoothly as possible. It can also boost the sustainability of your business, leading to benefits both financial and reputational.

With all this mind, let’s take a closer look at the threat of water scarcity, and why a water scarcity plan is important for your business.

The water scarcity issue

Water scarcity isn’t a new problem, but concerns surrounding the climate crisis have definitely raised the stakes. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), one in four of us is affected by water scarcity, and 700 million people are set to face displacement as a result of drought by 2030.

There are numerous factors contributing to water scarcity, from worldwide population and industrial growth to significant water use increase and fresh water supply depletion. Degradation of water infrastructure over time can also have an impact.

The risks associated with water scarcity are also significant. Health and wellbeing concerns are paramount, but it can also spell disaster businesses due to limited production, disrupted supply cabins, and commercial conflicts.

Water Pollution
Water Pollution

The importance of a water scarcity plan

Companies across all industries rely on water, whether for manufacturing and agricultural purposes or simply for an office cup of coffee. 

The UK government has been tightening regulations around water usage, in the wake of growing concerns surrounding sustainability. Because of this, businesses have more of a responsibility to manage their environmental impact, including their water use. 

Businesses found to be wasteful with water could face both financial and reputational repercussions, and there is a growing consumer demand for sustainable businesses.

Sustainable water usage is a key factor in any water scarcity plan, and as such, a water scarcity plan is a must, ensuring your organisation has a safety net in case the worst should happen.

The benefits of water scarcity plans

The key benefit of a scarcity plan is, of course, risk management. Proactive water management can significantly reduce the risks associated with a limited water supply. It allows your business to put strategies in place to reduce vulnerability to water shortage, such as investing in water-efficient tech or developing alternative water sources.

Taking the time to put a plan in place can also save you costs in the long run. A water scarcity plan encourages your business to be more thoughtful in its water use, and this can save you money. Reducing water use can directly lower bills.

There is also a competitive advantage to a water scarcity plan. Businesses that management their water risks demonstrate a commitment to sustainability that can boost their brand image. Customers and investors alike are keen to seek out environmentally conscious organisations.

A water scarcity plan is a proactive approach to water management, and this can help showcase your company as a leader in corporate responsibility.

Business water supply

Get in touch with Everflow today

Finding the time to compare business water isn’t easy. If you’re looking for a sustainable water supply for your business, get in touch with Everflow today to find out how we can support your organisation.