One dripping tap can use 5,500 litres of water every year! Regardless of the size of your business, improving water efficiency can make a massive difference to both your annual water and energy bills. This is something our customers benefit from when taking up our comprehensive water efficiency service - an EcoMOT.

With that in mind, Let's take a look at how we've helped one of our current customers, the Buckingham Arms pub in Shoreham-by-Sea


Client: Buckingham Arms


We visited Buckingham Arms to review where savings could be made on bills, energy and CO2. Whilst on site, our technician installed some retrofit products to immediately reduce water consumption on a selection of assets. These interventions delivered an instant and tangible impact on water usage. Additionally, we found scope for significant savings with further upgrades.


The interventions made on the day 

Across the three assets upgraded, we achieved:


water reduction


energy reduction


carbon reduction

Annual savings already achieved:

Carbon0.58equivalent CO2  tonnes

Recommended upgrades 

Alongside the above ‘quick wins’, huge potential for saving was found with further upgrades. Taps could be made more efficient, a toilet had a leak, and the hand dryers used up much more power than necessary.


Investing in the recommended upgrades equates to savings of:

Energy & water bills£291
Carbon0.14equivalent CO2  tonnes


The cost for this project work comes in at £751, meaning the pub will make their money back in two and a half years.

Note: figures have been estimated using the flow rates of the pre-existing water using fixtures and fittings and the average flows or volumes of water used by the devices fitted during our visits, in line with the settings used at the time. Actual savings may vary depending on changes to usage, settings, footfall and leaks.